Diversity and Belonging

Diversity: The essence of diversity extends to the principles of acceptance and respect, acknowledging the unique qualities of each individual. 

Equity: A critical component, emphasising the fair and just treatment of everyone, irrespective of race, faith, belief system, class, sexuality, or disability. Equity ensures that every individual has access to fair opportunities and resources, regardless of background or circumstance.

Inclusion: Including all people and treating them as equal human beings regardless of gender, race, faith, belief system, class, sexuality, or disability. 

Transformation: The process of growing and nurturing Diversity in the School and its Community.

At SACS Junior School, we believe in the power of diversity and belonging. We embrace the uniqueness of each individual and value the differences that make us who we are. In our school and our greater community, everyone is treated with respect and fairness.

Our commitment to diversity and belonging means that we do not exclude anyone based on their race, faith, belief system, class, sexuality, or disability. We strive to create an inclusive environment where all people feel that they belong. We believe that by nurturing diversity and belonging, we can grow together as a school and as a community.

Our motto, ‘Spectemur Agendo’ (Let us be judged by our actions), inspires our mission. At SACS, we not only embrace diversity but actively foster inclusion to  create an enriching and supportive educational experience for every learner.

Contact details

Physical Address
Dean Street, Newlands
Cape Town

Postal Address
SACS Junior School Private Bag X3

Email Address:
Click here to email

021 689 4001

021 686 6027

JE De Villiers House:
021 689 8779

SACS Pre-Primary:
021 689 4001