Opportunity Fund
SACS Junior School is committed to transforming to a balanced racial demographic within our school. The Opportunity Fund aims to offer at least one place per year to a deserving boy from a disadvantaged background, whose family would otherwise be unable to afford a SACS education. The fund currently provides financial and administrative support to 29 boys at the School.
In 2017 SACS alumnus, Richard Hugo-Hamman (1962 -1971), endowed 13 full scholarships to enable boys from disadvantaged or, less privileged circumstances to attend SACS. The Hugo-Hamman Foundation currently provides support to learners in each grade in the Junior and High School. The scholarships are intended to support the learners education at SACS from Grade R through to matric. Whilst the first goal is to provide a top level, value driven education to boys who could not otherwise afford it, the Foundation also recognises the need for increasing diversity at SACS. Thus the Hugo-Hamman Scholarships are available to boys who are in terms of current definitions black, or whose parents define themselves as either African or Coloured, or more generally, “people of colour”. The trustees hope that from the ranks of Hugo-Hamman Foundation scholars will emerge new generations of young, capable, leaders inspired to play their role in the further development of our country.
Applications for bursaries may be made and will be considered based on whether further funding has been made available to the School.
All Opportunity Fund managed bursaries are allocated on the basis of availability, merit and financial need.
For Scholarship application queries and forms please email
Grade N & R : admissions.prep@sacsjr.org.za
Grade 1 – 7 : admissionsjr@sacsjr.org.za
We are always extremely grateful for any donation to the Opportunity Fund, no matter how small. These financial contributions, along with the existing Bursary Fund and the support from the PTA, go towards the following:
- School fees
- Academic support
- Uniform: We will be able to kit out our current bursary holders with uniforms and/or sports kit where necessary. This is something which gives our boys a great sense of pride and belonging.
- Swimming lessons if required
- Transport to and from school and sporting events
- Camps
- Sundry expenses: tuck lunch, birthday treats, etc.
Apart from financial support, the School also offers its counselling services to the bursary holders and their families. The School Psychologist, meets with the boys, if required, to assist them and their families with the adjustment to the new environment. The SACS Education Support Unit also monitors each boy’s academic, social and emotional well-being on a continuous basis. An Opportunity Fund coordinator assists with the day-to-day needs of the boys and parents.