The PTA offers a fantastic opportunity to connect with other SACS parents. While you’re getting involved, your boys will love to see you at the Tuck Shop, helping with recycling drives, and participating in various association activities.
The PTA office is located at the bottom of the Staff Car Park, on the left-hand side just outside the entrance to the Music Department.
Operating Hours
Closed on Thursdays
Fridays: 07:45 – 12:30
Contact us:
021 686 8014
Tuck Shop
The Tuck Shop is also open on Saturday mornings when there are home rugby matches.
The Tuck Shop is situated on the Junior School campus, overlooking the sports fields.
Operating Hours
The Tuck Shop is open on a Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 14:00, and 09:00 to 12:30 on Fridays. The boys, however, may only visit it during break times.
We are also open from 07:30 on Saturdays when there are home rugby matches.
How you can help
Our Tuck Shop relies on volunteer assistance. Each term a roster will be shared where you can sign up to volunteer for a shift during either the first or second break. During your shift, you will assist with the pre-order system, allocate items to the “tuck bowls” for each class, and serve the boys during their break times.
Snack Shack
The Snack Shack manager; Martin Mupandenyama, offers a variety of food and drinks to keep your boys refreshed for their extra mural activities and sports. Parents are also welcome, as we serve hot drinks as well.
Location: The Snack Shack is located at the Aquatic Centre.
Operating Hours
Monday to Friday: 14:30 to 17:00.
SACS Junior Uniform Shop
- Gently worn second-hand school uniforms and sports clothing.
- New sport uniform items.
- Various SACS branded items, including peak caps, wide-brim hats, backpacks, tog bags, lunch bags, water bottles, and SACS supporter memorabilia.
For uniform requirements and pricing, please refer to the Uniform Requirements – 2023 and SACS Jnr Uniform Shop – Price List – 2023.
The Junior Uniform Shop is situated at JE De Villiers House. To access it, please park at the Aquatic Centre and walk down the stairs away from the mountain, located between the main entrance to Grade R and the GET SMART Centre for Learning.
Uniform Shop Opening Times for Term 3, 2023
Mondays: 07:30 – 09:30 & 13:00 – 15:00
Tuesdays: 07:30 – 09:30 & 13:00 – 15:00
Wednesdays: 07:30 – 09:30 & 13:00 – 15:00
Thursdays: Closed
Fridays: 07:30 – 09:30 & 11:00 – 12:30
How you can help
To support our second-hand clothing offerings, please bring your son’s gently worn school and sport uniform items to the Uniform Shop. These items are sold at a fixed price (approximately 1/3 of the new retail price), with 60% of the sale price going to the seller and 40% to the PTA. Alternatively, you may choose to donate the full sale price to the PTA, which will use the funds to support our SACS Opportunity Fund boys. Please print and complete the Payout Form to be handed in with your sellable items.
If you’d like to assist, volunteers are appreciated to help with sales, sorting out second-hand items, and participating in our SACS Outreach Portfolio. You can contact us at or
Class Representatives
- Offering support when requested by teachers, such as class-sitting and covering books.
- Communicating with teachers and parents regarding school/class activities, including outings, and class parties.
- Encouraging parents to get involved in SACS activities.
- Coordinating with the PTA office for event/function requirements, such as Athletics Day.
- Attending PTA meetings, typically held on the 2nd Tuesday of every term.
We extend a huge thank you to all parents who volunteer their services and offer their continued support. Without our fantastic parent body, our PTA would not be the tremendous success it is today!
SACS Junior School is mindful of the environment, and we are passionate about recycling waste generated on school premises.
Every Tuesday, you may bring in glass recycling to the Depot in the Dean Street Car Park, and to the Fountain at the top of the Staff car park. Boys will receive House Points for any glass donations bought in.
SACS takes part in a national school recycling competition, and we earn extra prize-money for the School.
Glass bottles and jars must be clean of food waste, and their lids must be removed. We cannot accept broken drinking glasses or window glass.
Hours: The recycling depot is accessible on Tuesday mornings from 07:00 – 08:00.
Please note that this depot is CLOSED during school holidays.
How you can help
To support our recycling initiatives, we are always in need of volunteers to help with organising and promoting our depot, as well as assisting with Recycling Drives and other exciting school projects.
Lost Property
Lost Property is a huge problem at the School. Please ensure that all your son’s school clothes, sports clothes, lunch boxes, shoes, and sports equipment are clearly marked with his first name and surname.
How it works
Lost items initially get put in the wooden box outside the PTA Office at the entrance to the Music Department. Volunteers sort through the items, and marked items get put in a class bag (which is kept in the PTA Office). Boys can collect their lost property from these bags at any time.
At the end of each term, any unmarked and/or unclaimed lost items will be donated to Outreach and under-resourced schools.
How you can help
You can volunteer your services by providing a plate of eats and/or assist with serving teas, etc., at these events.
To maintain an attractive and inviting school environment, we like to have a fresh floral arrangement in the foyer each week.
Your support may only be needed once or twice a year, depending on the responses received. In addition, we occasionally require fresh flowers for events and big functions such as the AGM and Prize Giving.
If you are interested in assisting with larger arrangements as a one-time contribution or making a financial contribution instead of providing the weekly arrangement, please contact the PTA office for more information.
The Gardening portfolio involves helping with gardening on the SACS Estate, which includes tasks such as pruning, planting, weeding, and adding that extra touch of beauty around the Estate.
How you can help
You can volunteer your services on a regular or ad-hoc basis. Members usually meet on a Wednesday morning, and it’s a lovely social portfolio to be involved in.
Staff Lunches
We provide a service to our hard-working teachers and support staff by supplying lunch for them every Wednesday.
How you can help
You can get involved by volunteering to provide staff lunches at the beginning of the year. These are allocated on a roster system, and you can offer to do these monthly, termly, or even just once a year.
Every offer is gladly accepted, and the PTA provides a contribution of R500 towards your costs.
These lunches are not expected to be lavish, as simple options like rolls with various fillings are always appreciated. Parents are encouraged to team up with friends to share the load, and classes are welcome to provide lunches as a group.
Please drop off the lunches in the Staffroom by 12:30.
Stuart Anderson Pavilion
The Pavilion is situated facing the Van Zyl field.
“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.” – Nelson Mandela
SACS Junior School Outreach strives to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate in various ways. The PTA Office collects the following items on an ongoing basis:
- White school shirts for boys and girls.
- School shoes for boys and girls.
- Sports shoes for boys and girls.
- Adult and children clothing.
- Books.
- Puzzles.
- Stationery.
Please ensure all items are clean and in good condition.
Thanks to the generosity of SACS families, we have been able to assist several schools and charities, including Little Brinks, Mullersrus Primary, Moravian Primary School, Suurbraak Primer, St. Luke’s Hospice, Friends of Valkenberg, Smile Foundation, Breadtags for Wheelchairs, Read to Rise, various churches, creches in and around Cape Town.
MySchool and School Days
MySchool ( and School Days ( are two initiatives that allow the community to passively raise funds for the school. Please visit their sites to see who they are partnered with. You can choose to support SACS, or nominate an under-resourced school.
Our SACS Ads are a small publication divided into blocks, emailed as a link to all SACS families every week with the Headmaster’s newsletter. They are also published on the SACS website and loaded onto the PTA Facebook page. If you’d like to place an ad, please email it to the PTA in either WORD, PDF or JPEG format by Monday for inclusion in the Friday edition. Ads need to be high resolution with a legible font.
The approximate size of each block is 4.5cm across x 6cm down.
The single block can include a heading, logo or small image and costs R60.00
A double block (9cm across x 6cm down or 4.5cm across and 12cm down) costs R120.00
6-block ads (13.5cm across and 12cm down) cost R350.00
Full page ads (13.5cm across and 18cm down) cost R500.00
You can send your ads to, attention: Liane Higham.