School Fees for 2025

The Governing Body has prepared a detailed budget for 2025, which includes provision for the school fees payable by parents which are required in order to meet budgetary requirements. This budget was presented to parents at a meeting convened on 6 November 2024. Approval for the budget and the proposed school fees was adopted by a resolution voted on by all parents present at the meeting.

All expenses for the forthcoming year were budgeted on a zero basis, i.e. expenses have not been justified by applying a simple inflationary increase to the previous budget. Further, the support from the Western Cape Education Department represents just over 0.6% of the school’s expenses and as a result the School must rely on parents to meet the expense budget. It was therefore resolved that SACS Junior School will continue to be a fee-paying school.

The Junior School, Pre-Primary School and Grade N fees for 2025 are accordingly set to be R60, 640 per year. In addition to this, parents are expected to pay for certain textbooks, stationery, sports equipment and all items of school clothing, as well as for camps, music tuition and certain extramural activities available at, or through, the School.

School fees in 2025 will be charged annually in advance and may be paid:
1) by EFT in to the School’s bank account or by debit order, in 10 equal instalments due from February to November,
2) by EFT in four equal instalments due by the end of the first month of each term or
3) by EFT in a lump sum by 31 January 2025, in which case a discount of R3, 032 will apply. If you wish to switch to debit order, which is only for monthly payments, kindly request the relevant forms from our Fees Administrator.

The School’s bank details are as follows:

First National Bank (branch code 254005)
Account number 5017 0078 429.
Please use either your son’s full name, or Surname and account number as reference.

The voluntary contribution to the Building & Development Fund is R3 250 per family of the Junior School per year. This levy enables the School to grow through various capital development projects, and plan for the future. This is critical to allow us to maintain our position as one of South Africa’s finest educational institutions. The levy is tax deductible and Section 18A receipts will be issued for all contributions made. Please note the Junior and High School collect these levies separately which means all donations received by the Junior School are for the development of the Junior School only.

The following details are pertinent to your fee payment(s) for 2025:


Annual School Fees – 2025 Per Debit Order /EFT
(x10 months)
Per Term (x4) Per Annum by 31 January 2025
(discount already deducted)
Compulsory School Fee R6 064.00 R15 160.00 R57 608.00
Building and Development Fund: Voluntary Family Levy R325.00 R812.50 R3 250.00
Total R6 389.00 R15 972.50 R60 858.00


We look forward to the high degree of co -operation and commitment from parents in this process that has come to epitomise the SACS ethos.
Your valued support is what helps our School thrive and is the backbone of success for all stakeholders collectively.

Contact details

Physical Address
Dean Street, Newlands
Cape Town

Postal Address
SACS Junior School Private Bag X3

Email Address:
Click here to email

021 689 4001

021 686 6027

JE De Villiers House:
021 689 8779

SACS Pre-Primary:
021 689 4001