Thinking School
Art Costa and Bena Kalik’s Habits of Mind provide the framework of our SACS ethos and underpins our seven family values. Whether it is striving for accuracy or listening with understanding and empathy, we teach our boys ways to develop the 16 Habits of Mind to become more successful in their daily lives.
Using David Hyerle’s 8 Thinking Maps across all curriculum areas ensures that we make ‘thinking visible’. This helps our students to organise and connect their ideas. Each map is linked to a particular thought process and allows the boys to understand their brain processes as they work.
We also explicitly teach Bloom’s Taxonomy to the boys to ensure that they understand the level of cognitive thinking required to respond to the questions that they are asked to process.
Explicit Thinking Skills lessons take place in Grades 1-3 following the SACS Thinking School pedagogy.
By all staff incorporating these and other thinking skills into the classroom, we are confident that our boys will develop a solid foundation of critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills that will serve them well in their future academic endeavours.